Colleagues Visit to the James Ford Bell Library

Thanks to member Janey Westin's arrangements, CoC members were allowed a private viewing of historical manuscripts at the James Ford Bell library at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis campus on Saturday, January 21, 2023.

Our private viewing was led by expert library curators Marguerite Ragnow and Anne Good. CoC Members started out viewing an exhibit of early trade and travel books and illustrations. Bell, original founder of General Mills, had started his collection pertaining to trade, travel and business before expanding to other subjects. In another room, Curator Ragnow explained that we were now viewing manuscripts from both the James Ford Bell and the Andersen Rare Books collections. Colleagues were able to view everything from “contracts” between the Hudson Bay Company and it’s investors, to beautifully illustrated religious manuscripts.

Being allowed the time to experience these beautiful rare works up close, to use our magnifying glasses, to carefully turn a page or two, plus having expert curators there to answer inquiries, was an unbelievable opportunity. Curator Ragnow even took the time to show members an exquisite room they were in the process of setting up as an example of an early library, complete with beautiful stained glass windows -- enough to inspire and encourage the “scribe” in anyone.

Marguerite Ragnow was also presented with a certificate from the Colleagues of Calligraphy, giving her recognition as an Honorary Member. This was the third time she had put together rare books and manuscripts for us to view.

Again, thank you to Janey Westin for arranging this treasure of a visit for CoC members.

- Mary McKee

For a list of what was viewed, click on the button below. This list is also full of other contact information and links to even more! Thank you, again, Janey for putting this wealth of information together for us.

For JFB visiting days, hours, to make an appointment visit the library’s website.