Come back often!

We will be continuously be updating these resources.

What is Calligraphy?

It seems that the answer to this question should be simple. But it is not! There is a wide range of ideas about what “calligraphy” means today. An historical definition is: “beautiful handwriting.” A more contemporary definition from Wikipedia is: “A visual art related to writing.” Wow! Lots of possibilities! 

Like any art form, calligraphic art is diverse and can be created in exceedingly unexpected ways. In the works of contemporary calligraphers, images and words and mediums are presented in many different and exciting ways and styles around the world.

Many of us started by learning one calligraphic hand - maybe Italic, Foundational, Uncial, Roman, Spenserian, or Gothic. There are many more. And there are many mark making tools from which to choose - pointed pens, brushes, markers, chisels, nibs of different shapes and sizes. And a wide variety of writing surfaces – distinctive papers, wood, stones, and glass. And colorful inks, paints, and other mediums are available.

Where to Begin? FAQ’s

This is a new and growing page; if your question is not here - please reach out to and we will try to answer it individually and add it to our growing list!

I’m going to my first calligraphy workshop with the Colleagues. How do I prepare myself?

There are so many videos online - it’s hard to decide where I should invest my time.
Where do I start?


I live in the Twin Cities - where can I take an in-person course?


Are there online courses you can recommend? - there are SO many out there!

I would like to talk to someone one-on-one. Does Colleagues have a mentor program?

Members can connect with a veteran Member to ask specific calligraphic questions or get feedback on your practice.


If you find yourself intrigued, join our guild.
Your options for learning about this art form will multiply exponentially.

- Banner image by Jean Formo