We want our members and calligraphic friends to be aware that one of our Colleagues of Calligraphy founding members, Jean Heidenreich, passed away October 30, 2020.
The following are initial reflections several COC members shared about our dear friend, Jean. Please add YOUR memories and thoughts in the Comment area below.
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From Diane von Arx Anderson:
Contributed by Diane - Jean in 2o09
As with any major undertaking of the Colleagues, Jean Heidenreich was always part of it as she was an independent and intelligent thinker and a generous and deliberate contributor to the conversation. In fact, I think I could safely say that when it came to COC projects, workshops and participations, Jean Heidenreich was ubiquitous.
I first met Jean before the Colleagues even existed, she was a fellow student in the Calligraphy class that we were both taking from Linda Christensen at MCAD in 1971-1972. Several years later, Jean was among those of us who became founding members of Colleagues and I believe she was one of the very first presenters at a monthly meeting, giving us an overview of Greeting Card Design. Over the many years we had annual exhibitions, I recall she was a perennial exhibitor and often on the committee helping to organize and make it all happen.
She was there and participated in our Calligraphy Connections that we hosted. For many years Jean was one of the group of Old Hands who, in the earlier years, attended all of the annual international conferences and brought back lots of useful 'morsels' to generously share with the membership. She authored articles for our SIGNATURE publication and was an integral part of any significant milestone we have celebrated. She very much contributed to the growth and strength of our COC organization as a teacher in our Twin Cities area for so many years.
Her involvement in other local organizations included being a part of the prestigious Art’s committee of Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church. In that capacity, she was positioned to invite a number of our COC members to create works for their impressive permanent collection. Thereby educating the public and a wider audience of the value and variety of work that can and should be a part of any worthwhile, contemporary art collection.
We will miss her ready smile, her sparkling eyes and that keen, dry humor of hers. Rest well my fellow scribe, you are, and will be, fondly remembered and greatly missed.
From Janey Westin:
The Colleagues has lost one of our dear founding members, who contributed greatly to fellow calligraphers and the arts. I will miss her warm "hello" and friendship at meetings and other get-togethers. Such sad news.
From Katie Berry:
Jean was my very first friend in the CoC. While attending my first workshop (about 1980), she invited me to have lunch with her and that was the beginning of a friendship that endured for over 40 years. I will miss her more than I can say.
Images contributed by Katie - left to right:
At St. John’s university near her legendary, secret inhabitant at calligraphy conferences. Jean attended nearly every conference and for many of those years, she would bring Ima Gnome, set it up and leave it for the attendees to find. For YEARS no one knew who was behind this fun surprise activity.
At the Minnesota Renaissance Festival where Jean spent decades working with me and Kris MacDonald.
At 2001: A Calligraphic Odyssey, prior to our 2002: Calligraphy Connection
From Lynn Ohlhorst:
It is so hard to come up with just the right words to say about our friend Jean. She shared her love of life and lettering with us in many ways. She helped start our organization and participated in so many ways throughout the years. She taught us; she shared with us; she guided us.
For several summers I sat next to Jean at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival as we lettered bookmarks for visitors. She was ever so meticulous and would not be rushed in spite of the lines of folks wanting their bookmarks next!
We shared the title of being a “Reggie Survivor” as we made it through an early year-long class from Reggie Ezell. (Actually, Jean took 2 of these!) Our follow-up study group continues to meet every other month. Sure enough, Jean was at our September meeting on zoom – sitting in her kitchen. Jean, we miss you.
Images contributed by Judy White Jaffee- left to right:
June, 2017 at a brunch for Jo at Saint John’s
Southwest Scribes in Jean’s beautiful backyard garden in July 2017
Images contributed by Erin Dung - left to right:
2015 - Jean shares some of her work from Carla Sonheim’s Imaginary Animals workshop at the Midwest Art and Lettering Retreat.
2016 - Jean at the Colleagues’ 40th Anniversary Banquet.
Image above: Created and submitted by Gerry Nichols (you can read her comment below). Gerry created this to share with Jean.
From Judy Dodds:
I have had the joy of knowing Jean for many years. We shared many hours and days in classes and meetings for Colleagues of Calligraphy and national calligraphy conferences. Reggie Ezell's classes, first for 1 year and then for 6 months grew into 30+ years of meeting as Reggie survivors. We demonstrated side by side as scribes at the Renaissance Festival.
The twinkle in her eyes, her smile, wit and humor and her zest for life and learning accompanied her every place. I was always impressed with her creative adventures in calligraphy as well as watercolor and clay. I admired her attention to detail, her thoroughness and thoughtfulness in tackling her projects. Jean, because of you, my heart is smiling in remembering you and lonely in missing you.
Image contributed by Judy Dodds: 1989 - Maxine and Jean
Header image - from a class, "See your name in Lights," that Jean and Eve Brown offered in 2017.