As a follow-up to our September program, several members submitted images and comments found here. In addition, Anne put together a blog post on her website that addressed the questions that came in during her presentation and after. She comments on pigments she uses, preferred tools, and lots more! She also asked that we remind you that she has other online workshops scheduled. Thank you, Anne, for a delightful afternoon and all of this valuable information!
Image by Jean F
Anne's enthusiasm for the subject overflowed as did her helpful demonstrations and exercises. I have dusted off my color wheel in anticipation of new color-based decisions!
- Jean F
Image by Mary M
Here is my attempt today to loosen up, be happy and messy! Wonderful exercise in color and expanded my hesitancy to try new things. Thanks, Anne, for your excellent program! - Mary M
It was an informative and indeed a colorful afternoon. I learned how to actually USE my color-wheel and I learned some great ways to loosen up and just play with color. One take-away for me was the tip on taking a black and white photo of my colorful writing in order to check if the values of my colors are uniform - making them more readable and a more successful composition. - Sally W (images above provided by Patricia Paolella)
And finally, “overheard” from Chat:
From Gerry N: Thanks Anne! I’m off to make ‘mud’ in the Naples sunshine!
From Ann H : Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge with us! I found this very useful.
From Colleen M: Thanks so much, Anne. Very informative program and a delight to listen to you.
From Lynn O: Thanks Anne!
From Judy M: thanks SO much ANNE. Such GOOD information and tips on use of color. thank you for sharing so humorously and transparently sharing your experience, your interpretation of color and your tools. Valuable. Lots to ponder, practice, play and apply.
All images used with permission.