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An Exploration of Hebrew Letters—From Aramaic to Zion: a Hands-On Program by Gloria Cooper

(The actual program begins at 1:00, but you are invited to join us at 12:30 for a social time during which you can visit the library table, the demo corner, the Show and Share table, and have refreshments.)


After a visual overview of the evolution of the Hebrew alphabet, you will have the opportunity to try your hand at forming Hebrew letters, and writing from right to left using your own pen, paper and ink. 

Colleagues member Gloria Cooper is an award-winning artist and calligrapher. Her art can be found in many private collections and her Hebrew calligraphy is featured on a ketubah (traditional Jewish wedding certificate) in the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. 

Gloria says, "When I work with paint or gouache I feel the joy of creating something unique. I want to bring a new vision to those viewing my art, to see with new eyes. I am inspired by nature and subtle color."

Gloria Cooper

Gloria Cooper

Gloria holds a BFA in art from the University of Minnesota and an MAT in teaching from the University of St. Thomas in the Twin Cities. Her interests include calligraphy in English and Hebrew. She has studied with some of the renowned masters in modern calligraphy such as Reggie Ezell, Charles Pearce, Diane von Arx and others. Her work has been commisioned by individuals as well as corporations including Neiman Marcus, Pillsbury, Mosaic Corporation, and Hubbard Broadcasting.

Supply List

layout paper
black ink
pen holder
nibs: right-handed can be used but left-handed preferred, Brause or Tape 3mm or Mitchell 1.5 or Speedball C2. Mitchell and Speedball are available as left-handed nibs.
a few paper towels

Demo Corner:  Karen Eighmy on Pointed Brush Lettering