Member, Janey Westin will be teaching a letter carving class from Sunday June 7th to Friday, June 12th in Indiana, at the Indiana Limestone Symposium:
The class is a full day, each day, beginning at 9AM
Cost- $695.
Each student receives a 2-1/2" to 3" inch thick piece of Indiana limestone to work on.
Janey will have a variety of flat chisels and mallets to borrow for the class.
Mid-week, students will also have the opportunity to purchase flat chisels, mallets and other goodies, on site.
The Symposium is held on the grounds of Bybee Stone Company, a few miles NW of Bloomington, Indiana, in Elletsville.
All activities are outside under canopies, to be more covid-safe, and provide easier dust clean-up.
There will be time to see what other carving workshops are up to and to tour the Bybee Stone Mill.
Daily lunches are catered on site for a reasonable additional cost.
Overnight accommodations are not part of the Symposium cost, but there are some special rates and other suggestions on the website.
Registration and Questions answered here: