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Our Week with Sheila & Julian Waters

  • Zoom Meeting Platform (map)

Please note: This event will take place online. Take a look at our Zoom Guidelines well in advance of the program if you need to become familiar with this platform.

This program is FREE but registration is still required.

(you will receive a confirmation email that contains the link to join)

Members Maura Lynch and Sally Wightkin will share some highlights of their week spent in Sheila & Julian Waters’ studio in September 2019.

All over social media today are ads for masterclasses of all kinds- cooking, writing, entrepreneur-ing - you name it. And for what I call “Calligriquick” Instagram Live classes: “How to be a calligrapher and make six figures with your calligraphy business, in just 4 lessons” (ok, not exactly, but not far off).

But what is it like to be in a REAL masterclass? With a real master, or two? I never imagined being in one until Sally Wightkin told me that she signed up for Masterclass with Sheila Waters and Julian Waters that had only 1 open slot left. “Sign me up!” I said in a heartbeat, and before we knew it, there we were in their studio and home for 9 glorious days.

Join us for the February 20th program to hear all about the experience:

  • What it was like to learn, and what did we learn, from these two masters?

  • How was the week structured? What did we learn from the 8 other students, excellent calligraphers themselves?

  • What did we work on?

  • How do all those people fit in their home?

  • Did they feed us? (ohmygod did they ever feed us!).

We can’t wait to tell you all about, and with lots of rich visual images!

Photo credit: Diary of Design